The smartest way to buy and sell bankruptcy claims

Our matching engine guarantees fair and accurate pricing, trusted by thousands of market participants.
Our brokerage desk works closely with claim holders to negotiate, structure and execute highly complex and bespoke transactions.
Xclaim helps claim holders recover more, faster.
- Create your private claim listing
- Upload claim documents
- Track pricing
- Share with colleagues
- Solicit offers on your own
- Receive bids on the open market from 1000+ registered buyers
- Find fair market pricing
- Transact on standard documents
Ready to sell?
Ready to buy claims?
We firmly believe that every claim holder should be entitled to recover the highest possible amount on their claim. That is why we charge zero fees to claim holders to register, list, sell, or transfer claims or to access resources on the Xclaim Marketplace.
While we focus on cases with existing buyer interest, we cannot guarantee that you will receive an offer or that a buyer will agree to purchase your claim. Interest in claims is highly dependent on individual claim attributes.
Xclaim operates the Xclaim Marketplace and related services but does not buy claims for its own account. Xclaim acts as a broker for larger, complex claims on a case by case basis. Independent affiliates of Xclaim may purchase claims or identify claims for purchase as a service on behalf of registered buyers.